Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Celebrity Sighting = Pizza & Wine

Day 1 of my new "lifestyle" did not go according to plan. It started out okay, but didn't end up with the results that I had hoped. The morning starts off on the train, heading to work. I am minding my own business, rocking out with my iPod (of course at a low vloume), trying to relax as I prepare for yet another day in the appliance world. I reach into my bag to retrieve my first meal of the day, a Kashi TLC Cherry Dark Chocolate granola bar, and the guy sitting across from me on the train gives me a glaring look. I ignore his scowl and open up my granola bar and take a huge bite. This annoys my friendly train companion even more, and with each bite that follows he rolls his eyes. Now, I don't know how many of you have tried the Kashi TLC bars, but they are not that big, so it was only a few moments of eating. I wanted to say to him, "Hey buddy! What the hell is your problem? Am I really making that much noise? Am I chewing with my mouth open? I don't think I am, so why don't you go back to your NY Times paper and mind YOUR own f'ing business!" I have to admit I am not a big fan of people eating on the train, but when I think of eating, I think of the Mexican take-out or the Big-Mac and french fries they just purchased in Grand Central. I don't think eating a tiny prepackaged granola is all that offensive. Please tell me if I'm wrong. I overcome my urge to yell at the guy, but I do sit back, crank up the tunes and revel in my first scrumptious meal of the day.

3 hours later, once at work, I am feeling slightly hungry, it's only 11:30 but to stay on track of my 5 meals a day plan, I go to grab my yogurt out of the refrigerator only to find out I forgot to put it in there. It's still sitting in my bag! I don't know what the protocol is on eating warm yogurt, but it can't be good. I toss it in the trash and opt for a green apple. It's fairly satisfying. Thank goodness I ate it though, because the showroom all of a sudden gets slammed...I mean packed with people, one right after another and I don't even realize that it is now 5:30! Warning, when I don't eat enough during the day, I tend to get very cranky! So to save my husband from the agony of dealing with a cranky wife, I decide to stop and get a bag of chips on my way to the train. I buy a diet coke (caffeine free of course) and a bag of Sun Chips. In my mind Sun Chips are a bit healthier than regular ol' Lay's. I am so excited to rip into my bag of Sun Chips that I run into Mark Consuelos on the sidewalk...literally run into him! I'm a bit dumbfounded as I already have a history of seeing him and his wife at my gym. What's even better is he casually acknowledges me as the chick from his exercise class! I play it cool AND feel cool. I know this seems a bit pretentious, but I don't care. I don't think I'll ever get over celebrity sightings. I'm a Hollywood freak, love TV, love movies and love People magazine. Therefore, I love when I see a celebrity myself.

I immediately call my husband, tell him not to be too jealous as I am again hobnobbing with Mark and then tell him I think this calls for a celebration. I say, "Let's go out to eat!" Funny thing though, my husband and I, 2 NON-practicing Catholics, decided to give up for Lent, going out to dinner during the week. He reminds me of this and I remind him since we are not practicing Catholics we technically don't need to give up anything for Lent! Really, it's all about me wanting to NOT cook dinner because I am famished. He agrees and we then head to our favorite local pizza joint where I devour 2 pieces of bread (with butter), 1/2 of a caesar salad, and 2 delicous pieces of pizza drizzled in pesto and sundried tomato sauce. I am dying to go for my 3rd piece but restrain only because I wanted to finish my glass of wine! Didn't I say I was going to try to give up alcohol for the week? I tell myself, "but it's a celebration!" Tomorrow is another day.....

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