Thursday, April 8, 2010

Interpreting Dreams

i recently made mention of dreams i have had saying i was having a boy. and i am now having a boy! so the other night when i had a dream of actually giving birth to this boy i paid close attention to the details of the dream and woke myself up instantly to remember them. here's what happened: husband and i were at the hospital, me ready to give birth. the birth was instant and happened within seconds. i didn't feel any pain, no soreness, no nothing. he shot out of me like a canon! i was in shock it happened so fast! i asked my husband, "did the doctor even come in here?" he told me the doctor did come in, but the labor was so quick he didn't have to do anything. i laid in bed holding our new born baby, staring in amazement at his beauty and how i couldn't believe my husband and i produced something as gorgeous as he! then the family arrived, well most of the family. my mother-in-law, my 2 cousins, my brother and my father. my mother-in-law was the first to hold him. she was holding him as if he was 6 months old, bouncing him around and tossing him in the air, while my baby's head/neck flopped around mercilessly. i urged my husband to please take the baby away from her. then one of my cousins tried feeding him cheese and crackers. she was stuffing them into his mouth. i screamed at her that he's barely and hour old and she can't be feeding him cheese and crackers! my other cousin told us she hated his name. and then there were my brother and father, both just staring at him like they have never seen anything like him before. (which i guess maybe they haven't.) they were so happy to welcome into this world their first nephew and grandson. after everyone left the nurse took him to get weighed. when she came back i asked her his weight. she sounded like the teacher from the Peanuts, whaah, whah, whah, whhaah, whaahh. she was german and my husband told me we would find out sooner or later on the birth certificate. then i woke up.......

how realistic! i remember in the dream when i was first holding him i told him i knew i was dreaming but if he could just be so kind and make labor in september as easy as it was in my dream that would be awesome. recently i saw my mother-in-law holding a young baby as if he could hold his head up properly. so it's no surprise that would be the one thing i was concerned about with her holding him in the dream. the 2 cousins in the dream, well, uh, let's just say the dream was fitting. and as for my brother and father, i think they can't wait to meet this little guy. to love him as much as they possibly can and to teach him everything they know about this big big world. when i woke up, i remember being disappointed that i couldn't understand what the nurse said about his weight. i was hoping to hear something and remember it to see how close the dream weight was to his real weight.

each day i am astonished by the amount of love i feel for this baby boy and i haven't even met him yet. after my dream i loved him even more than i did the day before. i can't wait to meet him. i'm anxious to see what he looks like. i'm excited to see when his personality will develop. i just want to hold him in my arms and say, "hi! i'm your mommy. and i'm going to try my hardest to be the absolute best mom i can be to you.......just bare with me."

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