Sunday, April 11, 2010

Adventures in Babysitting

my husband and i recently babysat for our best friends' 3 month old, drew. it was our first time babysitting together, the first time i have babysat since i was probably 13 years old and our first time alone with this little guy. since we are impending parents, not only did we want the babysitting adventure to be a success since he's the son of our best friends, but it was kind of a test of our parenting skills.

i like to say this quietly, but in my opinion, drew is the best baby i have ever met. i say it quietly because i don't want my little bun in the oven boy to get upset, but he's such a good baby! our night went as such.....

mom and dad left and me and my husband took over. he hung out on the couch with us while we watched the end of the masters. he laid on the floor surrounded by this god-awful colorful thing and listened to the porn-like music it played. anytime i would take a peek at him, he would break into the biggest smile as if to say, "hey! nice to see ya, wanna listen to some music?" we moved him from his mat, because in all honesty, i just couldn't take the music anymore. we tried to get him to roll over, but no such luck. he got soooo close, but couldn't do it. the 2nd or 3rd time we would aid in pushing him over and then erupt into a big "yay!! you did it!" he looked at us like, "what the hell?" my husband tried to get him to walk. he felt slightly defeated when i told him drew was too young to walk, but it didn't matter, drew loved the action. it was cute to see him use his chubby little legs! we put him in his bumbo chair where drooly drew (as his mama calls him) drooled all down the front of himself, soaking his shirt. finally after a fun 2 hours of action, he fell asleep in my husband's arms. i've gotta admit, there is nothing cuter than seeing a baby sleep in your hubby's arms.

bedtime was, let's say, a learning experience. we took this little angel up to his room and went through his whole bedtime routine. it was my favorite part of the evening. he looked at me with his big eyes as if to say, "you're doing a great job! thanks for taking care of me this evening." he was all set in his pjs when i went to give him his bottle. we rocked in the chair while i fed him, drew continued to stare at me with those eyes, a big smile on his face. he pushed the bottle away which his mom told me was a sign he was done. i noticed he didn't eat much, but his mom also said he may not since she fed him earlier. i put drew up on my shoulder and gently patted his back. he released a burp that i swear would challenge my 31 year old husband's burps. ok, he must be set. i decided to rock him a little more before i put him in his crib and all of a sudden he started wailing! screeches that i've never heard come from this baby or for that matter any baby. i rocked him. nope. i bounced back and forth. nope. i did shhhh, shhhh sounds. nope. nothing seemed to work. finally my husband stepped in and i asked him to try. he took him, sat back in the rocker, tried to feed him again, and.....silence. i've gotta admit, i was a little heartbroken my husband was able to solve the problem, but more relieved the poor thing stopped crying. 10 minutes later the wails started again. my husband came downstairs and said, "i think something is wrong with this bottle, it's as if nothing is coming out of it." i compared it to the other bottle that was left for us and sure enough they were the exact same amount, still full. it must have been my motherly instinct, because i instantly removed the nipple part to see that a white cap was blocking any liquid from getting out. i reassembled the bottle, gave it back to my husband and drew started downing the liquid. no wonder the little sweetheart was crying, he was hungry!

side note: in our instructions from the mom, she did say to remove the white cap from the bottle. i thought she assumed we had no idea what we were doing and was telling us to remove the obvious white cap on top of the bottle, not that there was another one inside!!

after the bottle was gone, my husband put him in his crib. we were successful, but i felt slightly defeated. i wanted to be the one to put the little one to sleep. a little bit later, drew starts whimpering, slightly crying. i wanted to redeem myself, so i said to my husband with the utmost confidence, "i've got this one." i gave the little guy his pacifier, turned back on his sleep sheep, rubbed his chest for a moment and he fell into dreamland. i'm fairly sure he even gave me a smile before he fell asleep. i couldn't tell because, you know, it was dark and all. so technically, i was the one who got him to sleep.

all and all our first adventure in babysitting was a great success! i wanted to make sure however, drew wasn't going to remember that i was the one who put him into a crying fit. his parents reassured me, no, but just in case, i'm going to have to babysit him again. i told his mom last night it's amazing to me how much i love that little guy and he's not even mine. i can't imagine how much i'm going to love the little baby growing inside of me! i can't wait for the two of them to become best buds and for drew to teach his little cousin everything he knows. hell, drew has already taught me some things of my own about parenting.

thanks drew! it was a fun night....

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